Jan 13, 2012

Red Jungle Fowl in-flight

It was a capture which was well worth the wait. The female had earlier flown past and over the to opposite bank of the estuary. I made a calculated guess that the Male will follow in tandem. After some five minutes of waiting the Male was seen flying out of the mangrove on to a perch on a tree nearest to the estuary. Another 5 minutes wait and out shot the Male from it's perch and headed straight across the estuary to get to the opposite side. There is about 50 meters of water in the river separating the two banks. Due to it's short wing span vis a vis it's body weight the fowl had to flap it's wings in very quick succession to keep it 'afloat' in the air whilst propelling itself across the river. You can imagine the speed which in my estimation is about 40 mph! A quick squeeze of the 'trigger' yielded a couple of good shots of the Male Jungle Fowl in-flight. Below is one of them.

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