Emerald Dove
Couldn’t resist taking a shot at this beautiful Banksia flower in full bloom.
Juvenile Kingfisher having a goood stretchhhh.
Pied Minivet
Oriental Pied Hornbill
A Yellow Breasted Flower Pecker skipping amongst the fresh flower blooms in search of nectar.
An Asian Koel (Male) perch high up on a leafless branch taking in the evening sun and preening it’s feathers.
Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker.
A Blue-winged Leaf bird made a surprise and short visit. Saw this single bird foraging amongst the flowers looking for ripened berries. It did not find it’s favorite food and made a quick exit to continue it’s hunt for food elsewhere.
A male Pink-necked Pigeon perch high in the tree canopy. This specie of pigeon has returned to it’s seasonal ‘playground’ in this park. Usually seen in flocks of between four are at times up to a dozen birds.
A female Pink-necked Pigeon drying it’s feathers.
A Black-nape Oriole in flight. This specie is an exceptionally ‘shy’ bird. It will take off at the slightest sound or sight of human intrusion. Can be a very difficult bird to photograph.
A Collared Falconet. I was pleasantly surprised to see this little fellow. It is one of the smallest specie of Raptors aka birds of prey.
The White-throated Kingfisher is a common sight in this park. Counted four of them here.
A White-throated juvenile Kingfisher. Colors on the plumage is slowly changing to resemble that of the adult. Note the distinct yellow tip at the end of it’s beak. An adult have bright red beak.
Thank you for dropping by. All comments are most welcomed. Cheers!